The Extra Virgin Olive Oil Production
• analysis, • polifenoli, • scheda valutazione
From olives to Extra virgin olive oil
Posted on 10 January 2016 • vendita diretta, contatti

The Spaccavento's farm is a small company and don't have a mill owned. We are also members of the "Molfetta SRL cooperative mill" to which we endow our production in ledger system (that is, our olives are kept separate from those of other shareholders, so we are sure that the oil extracted isn't mixed with others producers). During the period from October to December, as the fruits reach the right level of maturity, we proceed to manual harvesting. The olives are conferred at oil mill in the early afternoon and stored in special PVC ventilated bins to prevent any deterioration in the olives. Immediately olives are pressed in suitable environments and with modern techniques (cold) to produce extra virgin olive oil.
A small part of this oil will be directly marked by us
a perfect extra virgin olive oil and with superior characteristics.
This year we analyzed the oil at a specialized laboratory. The results showa very low acidity, an oil freshness (Peroxides extensively in the standard) and the absence of alterations (Spectrophotometry normal).