Olive oil classification
As regards the classification of the oils extracted from olives Italy abides by European regulations (Directive 136/6623 / EEC) which provide and describe nine types of which only 4 oil may be permitted to retail and consumer
Spaccavento's farm produces only "ExtraVirgin Olive Oil"
1. Virgin olive oil:
are so defined oils obtained from olives solely by mechanical or other physical means and with conditions, particularly thermal conditions, that do not cause deterioration of the oil, and which have not undergone any treatment other than washing, decantation, centrifugation or filtration, to the exclusion of oils obtained using solvents or re-esterification processes and any mixture with oils of other kinds.These olive oil are exclusively classified and designations that follow:
Extra-virgin olive oil: virgin olive oil of absolutely perfect flavor, whose acidity, expressed as oleic acid can not exceed 0.8g per 100g
Virgin olive oil: (The expression "fine" may be used at the production and wholesale stages): virgin olive oil of perfect flavor, whose acidity, expressed as oleic acid may not exceed 2 g per100g
ordinary virgin olive oil: virgin olive oil of good flavor, whose acidity, expressed as oleic acid may not exceed 3.3 g per 100 g
lampante virgin olive oil: Virgin olive oil off-flavor, whose acidity, expressed as oleic acid of more than 3.3 g per 100
2. Refined olive oil
Olive oil obtained by refining virgin olive oil, whose acidity, expressed as oleic acid may not exceed 0.5 g per 100g.3. Olive Oil
olive oil obtained from a refined olive oil and cutting of olive oils other than lampante whose acidity, expressed as oleic acid may not exceed 1 g per 100 g (the Directive does not set a percentage of virgin oil).4. Oil crude olive pomace
Oil obtained by treating olive residue with solvents, excluding oil obtained by re-esterification process and any mixture with oils of other kinds.5. Oil refined olive pomace
Olive oil obtained by refining crude olive-pomace oil, whose acidity, expressed as oleic acid may not exceed 0.5 g per 100 g.6. Olive pomace oil
oil obtained from a blend of refined olive pomace oil and virgin olive oil other than lampante, whose acidity, expressed as oleic acid may not exceed 1.5 g per 100 g.
For the retail trade may be marketed only:
extra virgin olive oil,
virgin olive oil,
olive oil,
olive pomace oil.
Extra virgin olive oil menu