Now a fixed appointment. For several years our company has been listed in the slow food guide for Extravergini oils. A recognition that appeals to those who work the land in respect of nature, using good farming practices with an eye to innovation but without neglecting the good teachings of our fathers and grandfathers. We will continue in this way aware that only the quality of our products can allow us to survive in this global era dominated by multinationals. We are not only farmers but proud champions of biodiversity that identifies our territory, our beloved Puglia.
Guida Oli Gambero Rosso
Posted on 24 Mar 2016 • To buy • contact • chemical analisys

The farm Spaccavento received the award of the Two Red Leaves in the guide Oils of Italy 2016 "Gambero Rosso" (Red shrimp). The presentation of the new 2016 edition of Oils of Italy Gambero Rosso guide will happen in Verona on 10th Aprilat 16.00 . "Gambero Rosso" guide Oils is one of most famous Italian books to describe the best extravirgin oil.
Exhibition stand in Molfetta (Bari)
Posted on 22 Dic 2015 • To buy • contact • chemical analisys

For our farm it is always a pleasure bond with its territory and we are very happy to meet friends and customers. The olive harvest is not yet complete, but we already presented our extra virgin olive oil to our city. We partecipate by joining a beatiful day for the promotion of local products organized by Molfetta town.
Spaccavento extra virgin olive oil has a low acidity and it is the main element of the Mediterranean diet with its multiple health benefits. The history of our company is made from farmers who have always loved their work, learning all secrets to offer you our best products. Learn about our oil, our fruits, our vegetables is like to know us, discover our land and live our emotions.
Ready for new Extravirgin oil season
Posted on 7 Nov 2015 • To buy • contact • chemical analisys

We just started the new olive season that promises to be excellent for quality with good quantities. The climatic conditions of this year reduced pathogenic attack and particularly the infamous "the olive fruit fly." This allows to wait and make harvesting the olive fruit in the right moment for a premium product.
The higher cost of the Italian product depends from a lot of factors, resulting primarily from higher production costs that mean respect for environment, for workers, and naturally for customers. We follows all steps of extravirgin olive oil production, pay attention to tradition and with ability to innovate to have a top quality product. Please consume a quality oil for our health. A good extravirgin oil have to be bitter and spicy (is richer in polyphenolic antioxidants substances). Not all extra virgin olive oils are the same, we must know how to choose.
What can we do as consumers?
Definitely read the labels, look for oil that is Italian by doing less attention to the brand but by reading closely the origin of the olives. Spaccavento extravirgin olive oil is 100% Italian product