Gallery (events, awards ...)

Milano - 22 Ottober - The farm Spaccavento was invited to Expo Gate Milan from the town of Molfetta. A day dedicated to our city & agrave; in the heart of the universal exposition dedicated to food. Thanks to many visitors to appreciate the products of our land and our top class Extravirgin oil.
National competition "Olio Capitale"

Trieste - March 2015 - We participated in the largest exhibition dedicated to extra virgin olive oil. Trieste turns these days. A myriad of visitors and professionals flock to the event. With our extra virgin "Coratina" we have entered the competition.
The Gold of Italy

Gallipoli - february 2015. The farm Spaccavento was in the national and international competition reserved for extra virgin olive oils receiving honorable mention. Further recognition for our commitment of tradition and innovation.
Orciolo Gold

Pesaro - 28 june 2014 - The farm Spaccavento win at 23th extra virgin olive oils national competition: 1st Place Intense Fruity. The competition Golden Orciolo is the most 'ancient in Italy and this year 323 samples were received from all regions italiane. Spaccavento family owns cultivates about 25 hectares of olive groves. The cultivated plants are scattered type (the plants are not in rows since it deals with old trees) .In average per hectare are about 150 trees. Our cultivars are "ogliarola Bari" and "Coratina" .
Exibition Oli Monovarietali

Olidays Abbadia di Fiastra (MC) 14 june 2014 - Spaccavento's Farm receives special recognition as excellence in extra virgin olive Coratina
The Guide to the extra virgin olive oils of Puglia

Puglia is a forest of olive trees. The farm Spaccavento is present between producers of excellence selected in the seventh edition of the edited by Tirsomedia guide.
Extra virgin olive oil menu